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Commercial Leasing Law & Strategy


Yachts, Jets, Horses & Hooch: Specialized Commercial Leasing Models Image

Yachts, Jets, Horses & Hooch: Specialized Commercial Leasing Models

Lydia Pilch

Defining commercial real estate asset class is essentially a property explaining how it identifies — not necessarily what its original intention was or what others think it ought to be. This article discusses, from a general issue-spot and contextual analysis perspective, how lawyers ought to think about specialized leasing formats and the regulatory backdrops that may inform what the documentation needs to contain for compliance purposes.


NY Appellate Court Provides Practical Guide to Commercial Landlord's Bankruptcy Damage Claims Image

NY Appellate Court Provides Practical Guide to Commercial Landlord's Bankruptcy Damage Claims

Michael L. Cook

The Southern District of New York affirmed a bankruptcy court's holding that the statutory cap on a landlord's damage claim "applies to [its] claim against a [Chapter 11] debtor-guarantor."


Sui Generis: Collaborate Like You Mean It Image

Sui Generis: Collaborate Like You Mean It

Lydia Pilch

Part Three of a Series This article offers up some thoughts about how lawyers ought to access and manage resources in order to provide a multi-faceted, full-service approach to addressing their clients' needs.


Sui Generis: Negotiate Like You Mean It Image

Sui Generis: Negotiate Like You Mean It

Lydia Pilch

As further follow-up regarding tracking of the lifecycle of a commercial lease, Part Two of this series addresses various negotiation events, strategies, desired outcomes and potentially low key disasters.


Sui Generis: Draft Like You Mean It Image

Sui Generis: Draft Like You Mean It

Lydia Pilch

The automatic acceptance of various boilerplate clauses in commercial leases in the face of jurisprudential modernity and evolving legal approaches is dangerous. The evolutionary exploits of a commercial lease aren't done yet, nor should they be.


Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence In CRE and Law Firm Practice Image

Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence In CRE and Law Firm Practice

Joy Holley

In addition to boosting efficiency and productivity, GenAI's new technological capabilities hold the promise of empowering lawyers to offer more precise and insightful guidance to their clients.


Law Firms Embracing 'Hoteling' to Save On Office Lease Costs Image

Law Firms Embracing 'Hoteling' to Save On Office Lease Costs

Anthony Davies

While new to law firms, hoteling strategies are line with the practices of companies in other verticals where hoteling and 100% work flexibility have been successfully in place for some time.


Second Circuit Likely to Deliver Big Win for Commercial Shopping Center Lessor Image

Second Circuit Likely to Deliver Big Win for Commercial Shopping Center Lessor

Michael L. Cook

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, on remand from the Supreme Court, further remanded to the district court the key issue of whether the Chapter 11 debtor gave "adequate assurance of future performance of" a commercial real property shopping center lease "as required by the Bankruptcy Code after the debtor's assignment of its lease.


NYC Local Law 18 On Short-Term Rentals Takes Effect Image

NYC Local Law 18 On Short-Term Rentals Takes Effect

Matthew A. Ulmann

New York City's Short-Term Rental Registration Law (Local Law 18), which directly impacts the ability of an individual unit owner to rent his or her apartment on a short-term basis, took effect on Sept. 5, 2023.


It's a Tenant's Market: How to Negotiate and Navigate the Leasing Process Image

It's a Tenant's Market: How to Negotiate and Navigate the Leasing Process

Sandra D. Buchko

A hybrid workforce has meant that office and retail space is in plentiful supply. These high vacancy rates have caused landlord defaults to be on the rise, making it a tenant-friendly environment for leasing space and obtaining tenant-favorable lease terms. Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to negotiate the best lease terms and navigate the leasing process while saving money on rent, tenant buildout and operating expenses.

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  • Yachts, Jets, Horses & Hooch: Specialized Commercial Leasing Models
    Defining commercial real estate asset class is essentially a property explaining how it identifies — not necessarily what its original intention was or what others think it ought to be. This article discusses, from a general issue-spot and contextual analysis perspective, how lawyers ought to think about specialized leasing formats and the regulatory backdrops that may inform what the documentation needs to contain for compliance purposes.
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  • Identifying Your Practice's Differentiator
    How to Convey Your Merits In a Way That Earns Trust, Clients and Distinctions Just as no two individuals have the exact same face, no two lawyers practice in their respective fields or serve clients in the exact same way. Think of this as a "Unique Value Proposition." Internal consideration about what you uniquely bring to your clients, colleagues, firm and industry can provide untold benefits for your law practice.
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  • Risks and Ad Fraud Protection In Digital Advertising
    The ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, coupled with the industry-wide adoption of programmatic advertising, poses a significant threat to the effectiveness and integrity of digital advertising campaigns. This article explores various risks to digital advertising from pixel stuffing and ad stacking to domain spoofing and bots. It will also explore what should be done to ensure ad fraud protection and improve effectiveness.
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