• Features

    Blockchain Domains: New Developments for Brand Owners

    John McElwaine

    Blockchain domain names offer decentralized alternatives to traditional DNS-based domain names, promising enhanced security, privacy and censorship resistance. However, these benefits come with significant challenges, particularly for brand owners seeking to protect their trademarks in these new digital spaces.

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  • Features

    AI Can Facilitate Innovation, But It Can Also Become a Potent Patent Killer

    Michael K. Friedland

    When is an inventor not an inventor? It’s when the inventor isn’t human. So, if a non-human inventor can’t, in the eyes of patent law, be an inventor, what role can the non-human inventor have in the patent system? The answer is straightforward. Even though it can’t create, it can destroy.

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  • Features

    Patent Your Trade Secrets In Wake of Noncompete Ban

    Daniel E. Rose

    While it may be growing more difficult to protect business information with the FTC’s noncompete ban, patents can provide strong protection over technical innovations, regardless of whether the inventor stays with the company or leaves.

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  • Features

    Key Takeaways from the Latest USPTO Guidance on AI

    James DeCarlo

    The April Guidance, which supplements prior guidance issued in February, seeks to remind practitioners of existing rules and to educate them on potential risks associated with artificial intelligence tool use, allowing practitioners to mitigate these risks.

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  • Features

    Plans for New CA State Bar Exam Still In the Works, Despite IP Concerns

    Christine Charnosky

    The State Bar of California’s plans to launch a new state bar exam are still in the works even though Kaplan North America, which had been chosen to develop the exam, recently asked to withdraw from participating, citing intellectual property concerns raised by the National Conference of Bar Examiners.

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  • Columns & Departments

    IP News

    Jeff Ginsberg and Zhiqiang Liu

    Federal Circuit Sitting en banc Overrules Long-standing Test for Assessing Obviousness of Design Patents and Adopts the Same Framework Established for Utility Patents
    Federal Circuit Affirms District Court’s Grant of §285 Fees Request for Fees Incurred in Litigation and Denial of Fees Request for Fees Incurred In a Parallel IPR Proceeding

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