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Could Mass Tort Bankruptcies Fall Apart in 2024? Image

Could Mass Tort Bankruptcies Fall Apart in 2024?

Amanda Bronstad

Mass tort bankruptcies took some big hits in 2023, with two of them dismissed outright, and two more potentially hanging in the balance.


Fourth Circuit Ruling Underscores Judicial Divide On Use of 'Texas Two-Step' Image

Fourth Circuit Ruling Underscores Judicial Divide On Use of 'Texas Two-Step'

Avalon Zoppo

A sharply divided U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruling shielding a nondebtor in bankruptcy proceedings from asbestos lawsuits underscores the wider and growing divide among judges across the country on the bounds of Chapter 11 protection and corporations' use of the "Texas two-step" to address mass tort litigation.


Novel Issues of Chapter 11 Mass Tort and Complex Claims Cases Impact Claims Against Unrelated Debtors Image

Novel Issues of Chapter 11 Mass Tort and Complex Claims Cases Impact Claims Against Unrelated Debtors

Francis J. Lawall & Brenden S. Dahrouge

Chapter 11 cases involving mass tort and complex personal injury claims often require the resolution of novel legal issues that stretch the bounds of existing precedent. As these cases evolve, they can also impact claims against other debtors unrelated to the case at hand through court-approved injunctions, releases or settlements.


How the Texas Two-Step Changes How Plaintiffs Litigate Mass Torts Image

How the Texas Two-Step Changes How Plaintiffs Litigate Mass Torts

Mark Eveland

By enabling defendants to shield themselves from mass tort liability, the "Texas Two-Step" is a new obstacle for plaintiffs pursuing mass tort cases against manufacturers of dangerous products.


Supreme Court Limits Forum Shopping with Plavix Lawsuit Decision Image

Supreme Court Limits Forum Shopping with Plavix Lawsuit Decision

Janice G. Inman

OnJune 19, the U.S. Supreme Court upended years of jurisprudence to hand corporations a gift: a far more stringent definition of specific jurisdiction that will force plaintiffs to bring suit in multiple state courts rather than join their claims to those in far-flung jurisdictions.

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