When Your Firm Gets Bought Out, Remember That You Are An Asset
Career moves are big decisions. They are best not rushed. You are an asset. The acquiring firm made their move because they wanted to bring you and your peers into the organization. Give them a chance to make this worthwhile for everyone concerned.
A Roadmap for a Curated Career
A curated career is not a happy accident or a lucky break — it's the result of deliberate actions and choices that align with one's personal values.
Creating a Roadmap for a Curated Career
A curated career involves deep reflection, intentional thought, and a vastly different set of questions than we currently ask ourselves in law school about how to choose a job. It is not a happy accident or a lucky break — it's the result of deliberate actions and choices that align with one's personal values.
Fate of FTC's Noncompete Ban Unclear After Texas Federal Court Ruling
A Texas federal court's overturning of the Federal Trade Commission's ban on noncompete clauses for most workers is far from the final word on the legality of the controversial rule.
Columns & Departments
Players On the Move
A look at moves among attorneys, law firms, companies and other players in entertainment law.
Columns & Departments
Players On the Move
Notable recent court filings in entertainment law.
LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q2
The LJN Quarterly Update highlights some of the articles from the nine LJN Newsletters titles over the quarter. Articles include in-depth analysis and insights from lawyers and other practice area experts.
CLE Shouldn't Be the Only Training Mandatory for Attorneys
State law bar associations mandate Continuing Legal Education (CLE) for attorneys to ensure that legal professionals remain informed of the evolving laws and to maintain a high standard of professional competence. Unfortunately, "how to be successful" is not taught in law school nor approved as a CLE topic.
The Perfect Storm: Why Contract Hiring Will Eclipse Direct Hiring In Privacy and Tech In 2024
Part Two of a Two Part Article Part 1 of this article looked at how remote flexibility is driving job seekers, that most privacy programs will use contractors by 2026, the speed of hire, the real cost of DIY staffing and whether posting jobs online really works. Part 2 looks at what's next for CPOs, AI jobs in privacy, where the new jobs will come from, whose salaries are spiking and some guidance for the latter half of 2024.
CLE Shouldn't Be the Only Mandatory Training for Attorneys
Each stage of an attorney's career offers opportunities for a curriculum that addresses both the individual's and the firm's need to drive success.
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- Yachts, Jets, Horses & Hooch: Specialized Commercial Leasing ModelsDefining commercial real estate asset class is essentially a property explaining how it identifies — not necessarily what its original intention was or what others think it ought to be. This article discusses, from a general issue-spot and contextual analysis perspective, how lawyers ought to think about specialized leasing formats and the regulatory backdrops that may inform what the documentation needs to contain for compliance purposes.Read More ›
- Hyperlinked Documents: The Latest e-Discovery ChallengeAs courts and discovery experts debate whether hyperlinked content should be treated the same as traditional attachments, legal practitioners are grappling with the technical and legal complexities of collecting, analyzing and reviewing these documents in real-world cases.Read More ›
- Identifying Your Practice's DifferentiatorHow to Convey Your Merits In a Way That Earns Trust, Clients and Distinctions Just as no two individuals have the exact same face, no two lawyers practice in their respective fields or serve clients in the exact same way. Think of this as a "Unique Value Proposition." Internal consideration about what you uniquely bring to your clients, colleagues, firm and industry can provide untold benefits for your law practice.Read More ›
- Risks and Ad Fraud Protection In Digital AdvertisingThe ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, coupled with the industry-wide adoption of programmatic advertising, poses a significant threat to the effectiveness and integrity of digital advertising campaigns. This article explores various risks to digital advertising from pixel stuffing and ad stacking to domain spoofing and bots. It will also explore what should be done to ensure ad fraud protection and improve effectiveness.Read More ›
- Turning Business Development Plans Into RealityThis article offers practical insights and best practices to navigate the path from roadmap to rainmaking, ensuring your business development efforts are not just sporadic bursts of activity, but an integrated part of your daily success.Read More ›