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Corporate FCPA Enforcement in the Era of Trump Image

Corporate FCPA Enforcement in the Era of Trump

Robert J. Anello & Peter Janowski

<b><I>Part Two of a Two-Part Article </I></b><p> As the penalties being extracted by the United States from multinational corporations for violations of anti-corruption statutes have skyrocketed in recent years, an increasing number of other countries have begun to pass or enhance their own laws prohibiting, among other things, bribery of foreign officials, and have increased the financial penalties applicable to businesses that violate those laws.


Corporate FCPA Enforcement in the Era of Trump Image

Corporate FCPA Enforcement in the Era of Trump

Robert J. Anello & Peter Janowski

<b><I>Same Old, Same Old</I></b><p><b><I>Part One of a Two-Part Article</I></b><p>Based on President Trump's remarks as a candidate, one might anticipate a marked drop-off in FCPA enforcement. Other evidence, however, convincingly suggests the trend of increased international cooperation and direction of enforcement resources in the FCPA arena is likely to continue.

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