Is FEPA As Impactful As It Was Promised to Be?
FEPA, which amends the federal domestic bribery statute has been touted by some as "the most sweeping and consequential foreign bribery law in nearly half a century." But will it end up being an influential force combatting corruption or a paper tiger?
FCPA Compliance Guidance for Global Businesses
The Biden administration and its Justice Department have established countering corruption as a core U.S. national security interest. Companies with any international operations should ensure they have a robust written policy and compliance program focused on anti-bribery and corruption.
Impact of 'Hoskins' Cases on the FCPA and White-Collar Law
This article examines the impact of Hoskins on three issues of importance to white-collar practitioners: the scope of the FCPA; the interpretation of white-collar criminal statutes; and the authority of the district court to consider at the outset of a prosecution threshold questions of the reach of the law to foreign individuals.
Second Circuit Ruling Offers Ways to Mitigate FCPA Risk Through Corporate Structure
Despite the FCPA's breadth and its aggressive enforcement, it has largely escaped judicial scrutiny. Individuals and companies are reluctant to test the bounds of the law and risk federal prison or crippling penalties. But one man has refused to fall in line and has almost single-handedly shaped recent FCPA jurisprudence.
OFAC Asks Non-U.S. Persons to Advance U.S. Foreign Policy
In recent years, U.S. prosecutors and regulators have shown increasing interest in prosecuting people and entities with little or no connection to the United States. This trend has been especially pronounced in the context of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and has also extended beyond the FCPA to the prosecution of white-collar crime more generally.
Global Increase of FCPA Bribery Cases Raises Specter of Piling On
The increasing number of regulators and enforcement agencies bringing foreign bribery cases across the globe raises the specter of successive or "carbon copy" cases. Policymakers and practitioners need to be aware of this developing risk and take steps to mitigate it.
The Updated FCPA Resource Guide
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue this second edition contains some new "hypotheticals" — facts of actual cases the DOJ finds important enough to focus on — and, in keeping true to its name, has included additional resources and links for chief compliance officers looking to design and audit their companies' anticorruption compliance programs.
New FCPA Decision Limits DOJ's International Reach
In recent years, we have seen the DOJ expand its international focus, as it looks to punish foreign nationals, often for conduct that occurred almost entirely outside of the territorial borders of the United States. DOJ's eagerness, however, has not been matched by judicial enthusiasm concerning the extraterritorial application of U.S. law.
Agency: A New Frontier for FCPA Jurisdiction
The Hoskins case highlighted the manner by which the DOJ (and the SEC, which has civil enforcement jurisdiction under the FCPA) can harness the common-law doctrine of agency to expand the reach of the statute.
Carrot Replaces Stick: Corporate Crime Enforcement In the Trump Administration
Elections have consequences, and the election of President Trump has resulted in a significant shift in law enforcement priorities. Corporate enforcement activity is at lows not seen in decades, despite an overall increase in federal criminal cases. This is a product of a change in priorities, both in terms of types of offenses and types of offender. So, for the time being, there will be almost unprecedented opportunity to achieve favorable resolutions for corporate clients.
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