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IP News

By Howard Shire and Justin Tilghman
December 01, 2023

Ninth Circuit Upholds Copyright Infringement Dismissal In 'Jangle Vision Twins' Case

In Jangle Vision, LLC v. Alexander Wang, Inc., No. 22-55642 (9th Cir. Oct. 26, 2023), the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the dismissal of copyright infringement claims, based on a lack of substantial similarity.

Alexander Wang, the fashion giant known for its urban-inspired designs and use of black, was sued by Jangle Vision, LLC, an art collection founded by Claudia Diroma. Diroma claimed that Alexander Wang copied Jangle's "Jangle Vision Twins" artwork. As outlined in Jangle Vision's complaint, Diroma reportedly submitted various works, including the "Jangle Vision Twins," to Wang in hopes of employment. Wang allegedly showed great interest in the "Jangle Vision Twins," which depicts "two highly stylized, imaginary female figures distinguished by unnaturally shaped bodies in colored skins revealing only eyes, nose, and mouth." After submitting her portfolio, Diroma heard nothing back from Wang about a potential job. A few weeks later, however, she saw that the fashion company launched a social media campaign that depicted "tall, thin figures in skintight, solid-colored bodysuits with mask covering their faces and head."

The similarity between the figures in the advertisement and Diroma's artwork led Jangle Vision to file a copyright infringement suit against Alexander Wang, Inc. and Alexander Wang. Despite any perceived similarities, the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California granted Wang's motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim.

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