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LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q3 Image

LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q3

LJN Staff & Contributors

The LJN Quarterly Update highlights some of the articles from the nine LJN Newsletters titles over the quarter. Articles include in-depth analysis and insights from lawyers and other practice area experts.


Federal Circuit Decision Clarifies Obviousness-Type Double Patenting and Patent Term Adjustments In Allergan v. MSN Laboratories Image

Federal Circuit Decision Clarifies Obviousness-Type Double Patenting and Patent Term Adjustments In Allergan v. MSN Laboratories

Maia H. Harris & Emma C. Mann

On August 13, the Federal Circuit issued a precedential ruling that reversed the District of Delaware's application of the Federal Circuit precedent in In re: Cellect to invalidate a claim in an earlier-filed parent application over admittedly patentably indistinct claims in later-filed (and earlier-expired) child patents. This decision has resolved some substantial questions about the application of obviousness-type double patenting that had been raised by last year's In re Cellect decision.

Columns & Departments

IP News Image

IP News

Matthew Weiss

Federal Circuit: Affirms Preliminary Injunction on Cancer Assays Federal Circuit: Affirms Judgment of Unpatentability on the Pleadings for Claims Directed to Method of Assisting an Investigator in Conducting a Background Investigation


Idaho District Court Imposes First-Ever Bond Order Under the State's Bad Faith Assertions of Patent Infringement Act Image

Idaho District Court Imposes First-Ever Bond Order Under the State's Bad Faith Assertions of Patent Infringement Act

Catherine Nyarady & Crystal Parker

The Act is intended to guard against patent trolling and creates a private cause of action for those targeted by bad faith infringement assertions and contemplates two types of relief: remedies and a bond requirement.


LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q2 Image

LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q2


The LJN Quarterly Update highlights some of the articles from the nine LJN Newsletters titles over the quarter. Articles include in-depth analysis and insights from lawyers and other practice area experts.

Columns & Departments

IP News Image

IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Zhiqiang Liu

Federal Circuit Sitting en banc Overrules Long-standing Test for Assessing Obviousness of Design Patents and Adopts the Same Framework Established for Utility Patents Federal Circuit Affirms District Court's Grant of §285 Fees Request for Fees Incurred in Litigation and Denial of Fees Request for Fees Incurred In a Parallel IPR Proceeding


Federal Circuit Overrules 'Rosen-Durling' Test for Design Patent Obviousness Image

Federal Circuit Overrules 'Rosen-Durling' Test for Design Patent Obviousness

Mikaela Stone

The downfall of the Rosen-Durling test will generally make it harder to obtain design patents and easier to invalidate design patents.

Columns & Departments

IP News Image

IP News

Jeffrey S. Ginsberg & Kaiying Wang

Federal Circuit Weighs On the Patentability of Claims to Targeted Advertising Federal Circuit Clarifies the Result-Effective Variable Doctrine


Federal Judge Blasts Patent Trolls Image

Federal Judge Blasts Patent Trolls

Rob Maier

A recent order from Chief Judge Colm Connolly in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware may serve as a warning for "patent trolls" — the derogatory term used to describe companies whose sole function is to acquire and then assert patents, often in cases that are questionable on the merits — against filing cases in Delaware going forward.


Recent Patent Trial and Appeal Board Approaches to Patent Claims on Medical Technology Implementing AI Image

Recent Patent Trial and Appeal Board Approaches to Patent Claims on Medical Technology Implementing AI

Jim Soong

Each decision involves reversal of a prior art rejection and contrasts with the other decisions on subject matter eligibility, revealing different PTAB approaches and results that can inform prosecution and appeal strategies.

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