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Drumming Up Business While Trumpeting Your News

By Vivian Hood
October 01, 2020

Most marketing and business development plans and strategies for 2020 pretty much went by the wayside when it became apparent that the initial "two-week" shutdown for COVID-19 became two months, and then two quarters, and there is still little sense of when "going back to normal" might actually happen in the U.S. In light of the dramatic shifts the business world has been forced to make in this time, we will emerge looking very different than we did when first facing these challenges this past March.

Despite the uncertainty, though, developing solid plans with accountability, results and measurement can be done. Preparing a comprehensive business development strategy — one that is integrated with public relations — is more critical than ever to avoid being considered pleasant but boring elevator music.


"Stop, Collaborate and Listen!"

"Sophisticated buyers of legal services want to have confidence that they're making a good decision when they hire outside counsel," advises Jim Jarrell, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer at Norris McLaughlin, P.A. "Maybe they have the relationship, but they have to establish themselves as more than a friend so there's substance to the relationship. You do that with careful, thoughtful and targeted PR and media relations efforts that are designed to give confidence to that buyer of legal services. If it's not a coordinated effort — truly integrated marketing, business development and PR, you have to ask yourself what you're spending money to achieve."

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