
<i>Leadership:</i> No Immunity: Sexual Harassment & the Legal Industry
For members of a conservative industry that — literally — wrote the rulebook on sexual harassment, law firms need to be ready for a day of reckoning that seems inescapable (and may have already happened by the time this article is published).

Takeaways from the Swift End to <i>Waymo v. Uber</i>
The details might not be quite as dramatic as they were in <i>Waymo v. Uber</i>, but lawyers expect trade secrets to continue to be a fertile source for litigation.

Tax on Excess Tax-Exempt Org. Executive Compensation
Under the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, should certain employees of a tax-exempt organization receive compensation greater than $1,000,000 during the tax year from any combination of a tax-exempt organization and/or its related organizations, the organizations would be subject to an excise tax on that employee's compensation in proportion to their payments to the employee.

Bankruptcy Court Authorizes Rejection of Employment Separation Agreements
The Bankruptcy Code can be an effective tool for reducing liabilities and enhancing asset value for the benefit of creditors. One of the more important…

The Impact of the Surge of Biometric Data Privacy Lawsuits Against Employers
The growing acceptance of biometric data as a form of identification for employees means that many employers will likely have to face issues covered in state legislation in the immediate future.

Responding to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Roundtable Discussion
The #MeToo movement has empowered victims of sexual harassment and abuse previously silenced by powerful business and political leaders. No longer silent, these victims are using their experiences to challenge the powerful and raze structures that have permitted abuse. We have compiled a panel of legal experts to analyze how the law and the legal profession failed the workplace. The panelists discuss legal and environmental conditions that led to abuse, and what lawyers and businesses can do to curb the powerful and protect the vulnerable.

eSports Raise Labor Law Issues for Teams and Players
The preference of the parties involved, even if reduced to writing, is rarely determinative of employment status. Instead, the specifics of the relationship will govern.
Sexual Harassment
<b><i>The Basics, the Skeletons In Your Closet, and How to Be Prepared</b></i><p>Harvey Weinstein has put the spotlight on sexual harassment in the workplace. Under this light we see multiple industries struggling with their own sexual harassment allegations and revelations.

Employee Claims in Bankruptcy Pose Significant Liability Exposure
<b><i>Lessons Learned From </i>In re FPMI Solutions Inc.</b><p>There are litanies of potential pitfalls for companies that file for bankruptcy without strictly following the requirements of federal or state employment laws. This article discusses the requirements and how to meet them.

Federal Judge Rules on the Overtime Salary Rule
Judge Mazzant issued a final ruling striking down the overtime rule. The Texas Federal Judge used essentially the same reasoning on which he based his temporary injunction ruling. In light of this final decision, the appeal of his temporary injunction likely becomes moot.
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- Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright LawsThis article highlights how copyright law in the United Kingdom differs from U.S. copyright law, and points out differences that may be crucial to entertainment and media businesses familiar with U.S law that are interested in operating in the United Kingdom or under UK law. The article also briefly addresses contrasts in UK and U.S. trademark law.Read More ›
- Strategy vs. Tactics: Two Sides of a Difficult CoinWith each successive large-scale cyber attack, it is slowly becoming clear that ransomware attacks are targeting the critical infrastructure of the most powerful country on the planet. Understanding the strategy, and tactics of our opponents, as well as the strategy and the tactics we implement as a response are vital to victory.Read More ›
- The Article 8 Opt InThe Article 8 opt-in election adds an additional layer of complexity to the already labyrinthine rules governing perfection of security interests under the UCC. A lender that is unaware of the nuances created by the opt in (may find its security interest vulnerable to being primed by another party that has taken steps to perfect in a superior manner under the circumstances.Read More ›
- Landlord & Tenant LawHoldover Tenant Liable for Breach of Covenant Landlord's Acceptance of Rent for 20 Years Waived Right to Challenge Tenancy and to Prevent Exercise of Options to Renew DHCR's Decision Destabilitzing Apartment UpheldRead More ›
- Role and Responsibilities of Practice Group LeadersIdeally, the objective of defining the role and responsibilities of Practice Group Leaders should be to establish just enough structure and accountability within their respective practice group to maximize the economic potential of the firm, while institutionalizing the principles of leadership and teamwork.Read More ›