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A Roadmap for Implementing Information Governance In Law Firms Image

A Roadmap for Implementing Information Governance In Law Firms

Gregg Parker

In today's digital age, the volume of data generated and managed by law firms has skyrocketed, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Unfortunately, in parallel with this exponential growth in data, and partially as a direct result of it, law firms have also experienced a significant increase in targeted cyberattacks.


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Crafting an Effective Roadmap for Implementing Information Governance In Law Firms

Gregg Parker

This article discusses why a robust IG program is critical to modern-day law firm operations, the complexities associated with crafting such a program, and what a high-level roadmap for implementing the program looks like.


Assess Your Information Governance Practices In Light of DOJ and SEC Crackdown on Use of Personal Devices and Messaging Apps Image

Assess Your Information Governance Practices In Light of DOJ and SEC Crackdown on Use of Personal Devices and Messaging Apps

Jonathan B. New, Patrick T. Campbell, James A. Sherer & Luke E. Record

This article summarizes the DOJ's recent guidance and the SEC's enforcement trends and priorities in this area, and it provides information governance best practices companies can implement now to ensure they are meeting regulators' expectations and recordkeeping rules.


The Message Is Clear: Assess Your Information Governance Practices In Light of DOJ and SEC Crackdown on Use of Personal Devices and Messaging Apps Image

The Message Is Clear: Assess Your Information Governance Practices In Light of DOJ and SEC Crackdown on Use of Personal Devices and Messaging Apps

Jonathan B. New, Patrick T. Campbell, James A. Sherer & Luke E. Record

Regulators increasingly are scrutinizing employee use of personal devices and third-party messaging apps. This article summarizes the DOJ's recent guidance and the SEC's enforcement trends and priorities in this area, and it provides information governance best practices companies can implement now to ensure they are meeting regulators' expectations and recordkeeping rules.


The Information Governance Groundhog Day Syndrome Image

The Information Governance Groundhog Day Syndrome

Ben Schmidt & Nathan Curtis

Security and privacy start with good information governance, and for many firms — trying to get their information governance policy implemented feels a lot like Groundhog Day. Yes, the one with Bill Murray. Let's take a closer look.


How to Solve the Information Governance Groundhog Day Syndrome Image

How to Solve the Information Governance Groundhog Day Syndrome

Ben Schmidt & Nathan Curtis

Security and privacy start with good information governance, and for many firms — trying to get their information governance policy implemented feels a lot like Groundhog Day. Yes, the one with Bill Murray. Let's take a closer look.


Solving the Information Governance Groundhog Day Syndrome Image

Solving the Information Governance Groundhog Day Syndrome

Ben Schmidt & Nathan Curtis

Security and privacy start with good information governance, and for many firms — trying to get their information governance policy implemented feels a lot like Groundhog Day. Yes, the one with Bill Murray. Let's take a closer look.


EDRM Asks for Public Comment on New Information Governance Model Image

EDRM Asks for Public Comment on New Information Governance Model


Adoption of the IGRM model could mean "improving dialogue about information governance, increasing the buy in from stakeholders, and expanding the awareness of the importance of information governance in the modern enterprise."


Why Untangling the CISO from IT Can Improve Governance and Security Outcomes Image

Why Untangling the CISO from IT Can Improve Governance and Security Outcomes

Jake Frazier

Despite the fact that the CISO's duties are growing in scope and importance, and data protection has become a board-level concern, many security leaders still do not have a direct line to the CEO.


Clients Drive Information Governance: Business Benefits Flow to Firm Image

Clients Drive Information Governance: Business Benefits Flow to Firm

Stephen Cole

Information governance and the protection of corporate data are top concerns for law firms. To ensure standards are met, some clients are now tying payment to compliance with Outside Counsel Guidelines (OCG).

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